What made Season 1 so much better than Season 3?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by camerooney, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. There are lots of posts about Season 3, most of which are folk complaining about matches or no-matches, despite the fact that the devs have tried (although not necessarily succeeded) to make improvements.

    I actually think that part of the popularity of season 1 relates the the fact that it was new. Plain and simple, it was new, it was different and people found it exciting. Since then, people have perfected the exploits and people have refined their winning strategies to an extent that has distorted rosters. Most clans who war with any consistent success are some combination of LB players, tanks and GH/SH. It has become predictable. Devs trying hard to address matchups but fundamentally they have become bogged down in trying to deal with people's desire to obtain any advantage they can in order to win .... really let's not judge .... we all want to win!

    I believe that the best thing to do with wars is to change them up. Regular short seasons so if the season sucks .... well hey .... it'll be over soon and next one starts. War mechanics change each with each season. Fundamental mechanics remain the same but vary:
    - roster sizes
    - war durations
    - regen times
    - number of crystals that can be used
    - KO plunder loss on SKO
    - KO plunder loss on KO
    - KO plunder win on KO

    So for example let's say a season becomes three weeks and seasons run consecutively, seasons could be:
    Existing season 3:
    - roster sizes (20)
    - war durations (1-2 hours?)
    - regen times (6-15 minutes?)
    - number of crystals that can be used (1)
    - KO plunder loss on SKO (3%)
    - KO plunder loss on KO(10%)
    - KO plunder win on KO (10%) only pays if attacker wins the action that clears out last troops or spies

    Season 4:
    - roster sizes (10)
    - war durations (4-6 hours)
    - regen times (30-60 minutes)
    - number of crystals that can be used (3)
    - KO plunder loss on SKO (3%)
    - KO plunder loss on KO(3%)
    - KO plunder win on KO (5%)

    Season 5:
    - roster sizes (5)
    - war durations (30 minutes)
    - regen times (8-12 minutes)
    - number of crystals that can be used (1)
    - KO plunder loss on SKO (10%)
    - KO plunder loss on KO(5%)
    - KO plunder win on KO (5%)

    Season 6:
    - roster sizes (30)
    - war durations (8 hours)
    - regen times (n/a return to hit mechanics)
    - number of crystals that can be used (1)
    - KO plunder loss on SKO (n/a return to hit mechanics)
    - KO plunder loss on KO(n/a return to hit mechanics)
    - KO plunder win on KO (n/a return to hit mechanics)

    Vary it up. War strategy constantly evolving.

    Incidentally, since unplugging equipment seems to be a huge exploit that devs haven't solved I'd suggest it should be ignored in matchup. Better that than the exploit as it is at the moment.
  2. wat will the ps do there ? :p
  3. agree with Op , everyone stacking with lots of sh is just killing ee , u know how easy it is for me to find war ? and how difficult it is to find war for a mid or hansel with decent bfe and bfa ?

    season 3 spammed with sh , devs nerf my build plz :lol:
  4. Until they make SH higher payout per hit the problem will continue. Make SH higher payout and hansels and mids can return to EE wars
  5. Worms
  6. Some interesting points here. As we've mentioned in the past we're currently working on a system that will allow us to vary the types of wars and details involved.
  7. This is the true question...what was s1 like that people liked? Just...mirror it.
  8. If by vary types of wars you mean remove the best ones that were scheduled(2hr 15min fixed ko or just 2hr in general) and have less variance, your doing a fantastic job. please stop feeding us false info/hope. Its getting real sickening.
  9. Again, the changes to the Season 3 Weekend wars was made due to the participation of others during these wars. We know people are upset, but when no the weekend wars result in the number of no matches they did a change was needed.

    As for the changes we're looking at to allow more variations in wars, we've mentioned this in our Timeline and Roadmap posts, and this is an ongoing project and not something that is currently taking place in game.
  10. As an lb who usually was only lb in a roster, season 1 was not good at all. In addition a lot of other lb (such as ZAFT) sat most of it out due to OSW. When we all returned and/or found a way our builds could play too, we were accused of 'ruining the game' by season 1 players.

    Point is you can't make everyone happy but there are some real and valid points mixed in with the crabbing. For example I truly do not understand the plunder disparity allowed by gh/sh in a plunder war. It's also counter productive for revenue when a small build is weirdly favoured. IMO that's still the biggest leak. At least with ps it goes both ways.

    Cheers 
  11. Why not go back up to 25 person rosters on weekends for the 2hr wars? there were less no matches first week of season before you moved down to 20 person rosters. Every change being made for season 3 is just making it worse for a build like mine. Hfbc hansel with adt and sdt. Glad i bought so many seals and xtals for a useless build.
  12. What if there was 100 man wars
  13. I do think it's a bit like a first holiday or first girlfriend ........ you might look back on it fondly but it doesn't mean you want to go back .....
  14. Definitely some good points here in the op and some great suggestions. I recommend having an all out brawl between all clans signed up. It would be something like this:

    Clan Signups: As many that wants

    Roster Numbers: No minimum roster with a max of 50 (to allow more people to war)

    Duration: Would depend on number of clans that sign up, there would be a time in the war (I say every 30 minutes but that can be varied) where the bottom plunder producing clan is dropped from the war. This would continue until 1 team stands victorious.

    Crystals: I would say no more than 3 but we could even do without them altogether.

    KO's: There would be no KO's, it would be a massive brawl where every clan is pitted against every other clan. If you get 0'ed and sat on you better hope that another clan is doing the same to your opponent.

    Frequency: At least once a week (during the war season) but could be done for more and or all of the wars if people like it.

    Rewards: For participating you get your mith casted back up to a max of 14. First team to get dropped get no additional mith, second get 5 additional mith, 3rd gets 10 additional mith and so on. These numbers can change if they need to be.

    Purpose: Try stacking rosters to go against 20 or more clans of all varied builds, would be tough (although lb would still be tough opponents). I think that an all out brawl where every clan is fighting every other clan would add some great strategy and possibly some good short term (maybe long term) alliances. Got one team dominating? Ally with another clan and shut them down!

  15. Looking back, I felt there was much less restrictions then there are now.
    It seems, currently in season 3 there is much more favoritism regarding specific builds.
    This has part blame due to the time length of the wars. In 1 hour wars, it's all about who obtains the most plunder, blitz style. Which has resulted in Hansels being obsolete. The developers have ostracized 50% of the community right there and with no spy banners in sight, it makes sense. The disadvantages are clear. The current system favors smaller build teams, unfortunately.

    Honestly, as unfair as some claimed as it was, I prefer the old system in Season 1.
    1-50 clans sign up. #1 & #2 face each-other as well as the rest, what's done is done.
    At least we get to play. Last season I earned RL 50. Atm I'm lvl 1. I do not care to bother further with season 3.
  16. I also think that there should be more of an incentive just to take part. Rewards for winning but not so much that winning becomes crazy important. Winning is good. I love winning but in old style wars that was more about pride and satisfaction. Losing was never fun but now there actually is a penalty if you lose. You lose Rancor/EE levels when you lose. I think that Moth/Fang events work "it's the taking part that counts". Losing in these wars is a real pain because not only don't you get the rewards, you also lose some of previous rewards. If you only had the potential to gain from war I think more clans would sign up for war.
  18. Also it was about fun and family not ee mercs and exploits
  19. @ SAS. My oh my. What a great idea ( I personally have said it 300 times or more)

    It's the one thing that is ruining EE and the single most important reason for what we have now.

    You can change lots of things to accommodate everyone for war, but until that one thing u just mentioned is changed, the thousands of dollars that I have it into this account is useless

    Now where is my gif of a ginger pounding his head against a brick wall?