So.....I think its about time we address matters of public awareness.......when I was a teenager and learning to drive, my instructor always said the speed of the others around you is safest.....I try to apply that to other realms in life, but get a bit mixed up......if we think the middle range is acceptabe then I am wondering why I always seem to be the target for every severly obese female that decides to wear the sleeveless tank top and extra short shorts. It never fails....scenario is like this but it has played out many times before this...... I sit down on a bus at walt disney world...I even picked out a seat that I think only 1 other person should fit into by selecting the middle of three vacant spots.......I do this because I have had such traumatic experiences before and naively think this one will be diffrent. It's 90 plus degrees outside and at the very next stop who appears? Yep, it's Ursula in real life, and not the mermaid cartoon Ursula. Let me just give you a visual of what I mean...... Now don't take me wrong, as I am not a perfect body myself. I also understand that some people cannot help their situation and I give a lot of leeway to their personal rights. BUT, (no pun intended) I have rights as well...I have the right to be able to be in a reasonable space on public transportation without having to sit like this I also should not have to have their sweaty nasty funk slime all over me just because they have rights too.... So, I will allow some wiggle room for size... this is about as large as I think we should adapt for publicly. After this, we need some rulz. So..... I have vented on my public indecensies issues, what's yours? Cell phone conversations, smoking, drugs, pants pulled down to their hips, or something else? Let us know what you think is beyond the limits of what is "Fair or acceptable". Screen shot, gifs and pictures are more than welcome.
seeing a homosexual fair in mexico, that was definitely not reasonable.. my eyes are scarred for life
Went to Mexico to attend a gay fair. Come out of the closet already. Steal 6/6/3 pot up closet boy :lol:
I agree with igrowlith there is a thing called public indecency that also applies to gay people cause you guys wouldn't like it if a gay person was acting too gay around you, why can't they just be gay it's that simple you can express yourself but there is a thing called overdoing it
Why can't they express themselves just like straight people do? They can have their parades just like straight people can. How is it indecent to do what they do? Seriously explain, I don't see how it can offend you (unless you're a homophobe of course). Although I'm not a big fan of super femenine acting guys, I don't mind it. Why should I care how THEY choose to act? Just like igrowlith chooses to express himself so can gays.
Lol you didn't read my comment very which I expected, I said there's nothing wrong with expressing yourself but there is a thing called overdoing it am I wrong? Which is why it had takin gays for so long to get what they want