What is the shattered sword?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by 34533235DeDemonLord, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. Sorry for making a short effortless post, but Ive seen a lot of people with this and since Im just coming back into the game Ive been wondering what is and what it does.

    Mods please lock after a legitimate answer.
  2. Shattered sword is punishment for being toxic in war

    For example, going inactive, leaking, or being a mole. Spamming, all that stuff
  3. You aren't able to participate in wars for the duration of the spell.
  4. Thats pretty cool. Alright thanks you. Mods please lock.
  5. The shattered sword is a punishment placed by the game developers to those who decide, to affect the game play of other players who are in the same clan during war.

    Shattered Sword may be given for such causes but there are no limitations such as:
    - Spamming Clan Conversation
    - Being Inactive

    The time limit for the "Shattered Sword" depends on how many offenses were previously committed.
    - First offense is 3 days.
    - Second offense is 3 days.
    - Third offense and beyond is subject to pertain to the developers discretion, to deciding when the "Shattered Sword" will expire.

    * The punishment given only affects the pertaining player in the area that they may not participate in a war until the "Shattered Sword" expires.
  6. In b4 lock , shattered sword means you suck at waring. Basically you missed the war is what that means haha.

  7. I can't tell if troll or not lol
  8. Means u were inactive in war. Question answered


    Hes coming back guys
  9. please ask questions in stickied question thread next time :)
  10. Question answered, thank you very much everyone
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