What is the NEW Estoc Landscape?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Yerushalaim, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. I am interested in how others believe many of the clans involved in S2 will perform. I have been involved now since the beginning of the Cataclysm wars and paid attention while S1 was going on, so I think I could make some fare guesses, but I have no doubt others know more than I do and would love to read what they believe. Keep in mind, the lists I have will not be exhaustive.

    Some of the clans I believe will take there S1 dominance into S2 are:

    1. Rising Hawks
    2. PERK. ARMY
    3. SOTRA
    4. Murder War
    5. Battlgrounds
    6. Dragons Rising
    7. Nights Watch of Castle Black.
    8. Empire Rising

    Some clans who seem like they've lost a step since doing well in S1:

    1. Spartans of the Underworld
    2. Pillars of Chaos
    3. V-Hawks

    And the one I'm most interested in, the clans that are either new to the estoc scene or the ones that struggled during S1 that will emerge as top shelf fighters in S2. Some of my guesses are:

    1. Zodiac Alliance of Freedom
    2. Risk
    3. SOFT
    4. oG Alliance
    5. Devastation
    6. Divinum Furorem
    7. Minas Morgul

    Would really like to know what other players predictions are for these three categories in S2.
  2. Spartans haven't lost step bro we've won 10 and lost 2. If that's losing step... Well lol
  3. I'm surprised the wormies didn't make your list.
  4. Okay, maybe not the spartans. reevaluated that. and are the worms back in action for S2?
  5. :? ... Rumors have it.. :lol:
  6. The Spartans had to be restarted in s1 if ppl remember lol
  7. It's no match now the worm clan they doing good :)
  8. Ahhh...Thankyou SNOWSTORM. Didn't know that.