What is the most important aspect of war?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IITDDll-ShaDow_RoNiN-lITDDlI, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Is it stats?
    Clan size?
    Alliance numbers?
    Mass strip funds?
    Or if you dont think its any of these,
    Please post your opinion
  2. Coordination by far
  3. The most important aspect is winning
  4. Teamwork and coordination.
  5. Stats mean absolutely nothing in a war. With good coordination and teamwork a 2m cs player can take down HLBC.
  6. Activity is the most important thing doesn't matter how big the clan is if there not active they'll lose
  7. Coordination, Teamwork and insomnia
  8. Activity
  9. Determination. A single 5M CS player can drive a LB clan crazy simply by pinning for weeks, or months. Or years.
  10. Activity by far
  11. Supply lines

    Hitler and Napoleon can attest; bad supply lines spells doom for invading forces.
  12. Activity/Cooperation/Active, Coordination, Teamwork.
  13. Activity, one person can cause the loss for the whole clan
  14. Willpower, nothing else matters.
  15. Teamwork/co-ordination and a hefty supply of caffeine and matchsticks
  16. Amen furn. Keep your troops well supplied. Apparently the devs never learned about history.