What is the Best Way to Transfer Gold?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LuciferMorningstar, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Title pretty much says it all.

    I want to know what is the best way to transfer gold between two of my accounts.
    Thanks for your help troll if u want but give honest answers as well please. :D :D
  2. Volleying
  3. Farm your other account when they have all their gold out. Steals only.
  4. Purchasing allies off other account. Oaf/osf.
  5. Hit the reset button


    On you pc delete the folder called "System32"
  6. Use the attack button frequently ️
  7. Email the devs and have them transfer it for you 
  8. How to transfer gold? Post on WC "I'm an Obama supporter" or "Obama FTW"
  9. Gonna get hacked anyways Not reliable
  10. 