I've not really found anywhere that says what the best T3 Build is for getting to T4. I'm just assuming it's all Subs like all Forges for T2 (not counting any hansel builds, just att builds) Can i get some good responses with sufficient backing and reasoning.
WRONG forges suck balls aviaries give 2 xtra hits so good for osfs and summoning circles gives more plunder
Yeah hansel with an aivary for the two extra hits will be a good pwar build but that is about it will not be best for everything. But for earning gold works great
Yeah, I've got 1 aviary, and 1 circle, and the rest Subs so far replacing Forges as I go. Just curious if that was right. I do know LVL4 Guilds give more plunder, but again, I'm talking attack type builds, not spy builds. Or are you saying go ALL aviaries with 1 circle? I thought only the 1st aviary gave you the extra 2 hits and after that you should go all Subs. Clearification please with maybe some actually numbers behind it.
Hansel is far faster for making the tier 3-4 transition and you can always go attack after but if you really don't want to the you want one or two aviaries and the rest circles If you want actual numbers then head ofer to strategy and read some of dillybar's guides
There is no such thing as the best build. No matter what your build is there will alway be another build that can counter the build you have. Now you need two different types of builds between pwars and stripping wars and with the price for t4 buildings what ever build you choose your stuck with it. So ask yourself, "Am I going to only pwar for all my KaW life or am I going to do real wars?" If you choose to do real wars the rule of thumb is to have more attack and spy defence that the other people in your clan. Ya sure it's messed up but true. Imagine you and a friend are in a forest and come across a bear and it starts to run at the both of you. You really don't need to out run the bear, you need to out run your friend. In this example you are you, the rest of your clan is your friend, and the bear is the enemy clan. The enemy will always attack who ever has the least amount of defence.