What is the best eb for my build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DaKiller-, May 16, 2013.

  1. Atm ambush (you'd need pots to hit) or the forgotten ones which is nice $ if you get items
  2. You can hit ambush pot free. You just can not hit the titans
  3. The title is meant to summarize the thread, you should put a short summarizing word in the title, then put your question in the actual box
  4. I'd go with ambush anyways.
  5. The Forgotten Ones. Get bribery gems
  6. The Forgotten Ones then BUSH!!!
  7. Origins maybe? Good for equip.
  8. Ambush, no pots needed if only hitting the life bar and you can stay with it for awhile as you grow
  9. Forgotten ones
  10. Some how get into a haunt clan and get items they pay great
  11.  I forgot lol
  12. I'd personally suggest Ambush because I'm pretty sure anyone can hit it :p