What is SKIMMING???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Fuego_Celestial, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Please bear with me as this is my first forum guide.

    I am constantly asked "what do you mean when you tell me to skim?"
    Skimming is simple.
    When you use your troops or spies a timer shows up counting down from 5 min. This is your REGEN time. Every 5 min you get 2 attack units and 3 assassinate units back.
    "But what if I need to scout or steal?" Scouting requires less spies so you get 4 scout units, and stealing requires more spies so you only get 2 thief units.
    5min=2x Atk
  2. But then what is Slumming?
  3. Sry it cut off most of the post just a few moments and I will have the next section up
  4. Nice lil guide. Straight to the point. I likey :D
    Also blitzing is a full unload from all players at specified times.
    Xtal blasting is blitzing and using health crystals at the same time.
  5. Oh. I thought you meant like reading skimming. Lol. My Bad. Carry on :)
  6. 5min=2 atk or stl, 3 asn and 4 sct
    "But I don't have time to sit and hit every 5 min, will it work for other amounts of time too?"
    Yes once you have this basic ratio it's fairly easy to calculate how many hits needed.
    5 min is one regen unit so 30 min is 6 regen units, multiply the number of regen units by the action you choose.

    I.E. 6*2ATK=12 atks
    6*3ASN=18 asns
    6*4SCT=24 scts
  7. This made skimming sound dirty..
  8. Troll me all you want each post just keeps it up for ppl to read so thanks 
  9. Extreme... We need to get you a girlfriend if you think skimming is dirty :?
  10. Now at this point I'm usually asked "why is skimming better?"
    When you hit from full troops you make more plunder, why? The more troops or spies you have the more "ppl" you have to bring back gold. As you use your troops you have fewer ppl so bring back less gold, hitting from empty(pin) makes significantly less.
    If you are skimming you will constantly be hitting from max troops and not wasting troops by letting them sit at full. Skimming can be used for ebs and for war if you want to sit on your opponents.
  11. In addition to what you just said. Theres always a chance with full unloads that you're gunna fail the last few hits. Skimming ensures that all your hits for an hour are at their strongest and most successful.
  12. Here is a table of the troops needed to skim each 5 min time for an hour, if you will be offline for more than an hour then it is best to unload all troops.
    05= 2x / 3x / 4x
    10= 4x / 6x / 8x
    15= 6x / 9x /12x
    20= 8x /12x/16x
    25= 10x/15x/20x
    30= 12x/18x/24x
    35= 14x/21x/28x
    40= 16x/24x/32x
    45= 18x/27x/36x
    50= 20x/30x/40x
    55= 22x/33x/44x
    60= 24x/36x/48x
    Now some ppl may have a few remaining troops depending on their build but this should cover most people.
  13. Thank you Clumsy for your support and input. I hope this guide helps some of the smaller or less experienced players learn some of the simple game mechanics that improve their chances of successful hits and maximum profit.
    *Note skimming does NOT affect the plunder bonus from allies and I am uncertain if it affects the end bonus for asn or sct actions, though it does apply to theft actions.*
  14. Thanks for reading my guide and happy Kawing everyone
  15. When hitting from top end spies you do get a better payout at the end.

    I know this for sure with the assassination action as I have tested, but I am not sure about scout and steal.
  16. Thank you Tyrant
    So it seems the only action the end payout is uncertain is scouts which I will be testing today and tomorrow