What is really happening with EE wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _WeLCoME_To_ThE_MaCHiNE_, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. I am beginning to believe that the Developers are just doing an experiment. It seems as if they are trying to see how low people will stoop to fight in these wars. Here are my reasons for feeling this way:
    1.) piss poor war times!
    These war times are absolute GARBAGE for 70% (my hypothesis) of all players.
    2.) no matches! Why would a clan sign up if they are almost guaranteed to face a stacked clan?
    3.) piss poor matches! Please give me a show of hands of the people who feel their war was winnable WITHOUT being a blowout.

    Disclaimer: flame at your own risk. I've been known to drop full bars on smart ass trolls.
  2. There needs to be more participation. Like WAY more. Can't expect to find a decent matchup when less than 100 clans sign up. There's just not enough variety
  3. I think Obama is to blame for this issue.
  4. Have you read my thread that solves the matchup problem, including no match and also bad matches? Why not just support that thread so the devs can implement it. It's an actual solution, a good one. Isn't that what we all want?
  5. Just a quick look at the match list each time it doesn't even look like they're clearing 50 clans. I haven't stopped to count but yeah. Slim pickins. People just don't wanna put time and money on the line when your probability for a no match is that high or you're looking at stacked rosters as the alternative.
  6. support. Times are always rubbish for me and match ups wen I have participated have seemed stacked.

  7. Less than 100, **** there not even close, last war I counted 25 clans signed up, that's a joke!!
  8. Clans won't sign up when the chances are they will face a stacked well prepared war clan. War is now a very specialist sub game 
  9. The current number of signups makes finding a good matchup like trying to find a bra that actually fits when there are only 3 sizes available S, M, and L. You're either gonna get smashed or have way more breathing room than you need.

    War incentives need to go way up, and risks need to go way down.

    But what I think is the major barrier to EE becoming more popular is the war lengths.

    Addressing this issue cannot be done with the war system currently in place. The entire way system wars are executed needs to be completely scrapped and revisited.

    I have a number of suggestions for how to do this, but it would be a massive undertaking from a development standpoint, so frankly, there is never going to be a solution to EE. And I think the devs should just scrap EE altogether and stop wasting so much time and effort on it, unless they're seeing good ROI.
  10. If you can't beat them join them, I have dropped form a mid build to this piece of **** build so I can war. :lol:
  11. In my opinion, more clans would sign up if their chances of facing a clan with an ACTUAL roster were greater. Why in the hell would you waste time, mith and crystals to face a clan that will pummel you because you absolutely can't plunder off of ANYONE?
  12. True about the time. Bit even allowed to take a piss for an hour or 2 unless you're KO'd :lol:
  13. Cheese I feel you know way too much about bras for a man.
  14. People like DK on the previous page just compliment the issue. For gods sake, why would you destroy any build for a smaller build? That is counter productive in every sense of the matter.
  15. Cheese have you read my thread where I solve the matchup problem? You say it's unsolvable, I already solved it. Read the thread
  16. Also the problem right now with season 3 is the 25 man rosters. Terrible idea. 15 man rosters for all wars, that fixes that problem right there. You'll have more than double the number of clans involved in war, since a 25 person clan is almost the same number of people as two 15 person clans, PLUS you'll have all the clans who missed the 25 man number by one or two making it, plus all the people who don't even waste time on a 25 man roster, they can do 15 also.

    Huge fix right there, you're welcome.
  17. I saw your thread, tmh. What you proposed seemed more like a bandaid for a gaping wound.

    However, I think your proposal in addition to increased clan participation, would make matchmaking even better!
  18. My response to that is:
    We ran 26-29 man rosters all of season two with 1/4 of the issues that we're having now. How can a 25 person roster (which is smaller than last season) be the major reason? I understand that some people got "spoiled" with the 11 man rosters, but come on! Did you compete in an single clan for the chaos wars, or did you get in where you fit in? It is my opinion that the roster size and the dumb ass war crystals ARE NOT the real issue behind season.