what is mirthful??

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MM-Soup31-MM, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Hey I am new I came from FC. I want to know how to get this Mirthil and how i can use it for upgrades? And one more what does gold do?
  2. Ignore xtreme. War in an Estoc clan
  3. Gold=ways of buying land/buildings/allies
  4. Gold is used for upgrades and stuff. Mithril is something earned in war that lets u use spells from the alchemist that has a variety of affects it can do from changing ur name colour in wc to increasing the strength of your troops for a short time :) u can also buy equipment with mithril.
    Mithril is earned from estoc wars
  5. 
  6. I'm confused...is it mirthful or mirthil?
  7. Mirthril/mithril/mith.. Mirthful is the auto correct of mirthril..
  8. General_Hulk, or you could grow so your opinion could be of some value and you don't just look like a retarded statless noob
  9. Another thing about mithril:
    You can buy up to 6 at a time and up to a total of...20? A day. Like he said, you use them for spells and equipment at the Alchemist(to unlock Alchemist, you must upgrade your castle, which requires 4 highlands explored and 4bil).
  10. Working on that xtreme. I have a life outside of KaW lmao
  11. Actually u need to get 25 lands explored and upgrade your castle
  12. Op is troll check his hire value
  13. If you were really curious you would have tried to spell it right, here's a thread that should help, you can make the effort yourself now.
  14. He could just have rich friends. Look at battles won.
  15. I ment bronze. What does it do. Not gold sorry
  16. Bronze bars? They allow you to bank your gold, without having to put it into attack/spy attack pots