What is Max Plunder?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B2B-LuNaTiC-B2B, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Hi I'm going to explain to you what is Max Plunder and how you get Max Plunder.

    What is Max Plunder (MP)?

    Max plunder is the Max amount of money you can get when you attack. Your Max Plunder Bonus increases depending on how much land you have, what buildings you have/ how strong your buildings are and what level those buildings are.

    How to achieve Max Plunder?

    If you go onto allies, hire more allies and view a person, if you scroll down you will see something saying: Max Plunder Bonus. The number by it shows how much extra money you will get when you attack an Epic Battle or a ordinary person. -WARNING- Do not just buy an ally because of its MP, look at the allies stats.

    I hope this was helpful.
  2. Thanks for the help! This was a really helpful 5 star guide.