what is fastest way to build complete

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RoyTheGreat, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Been playing kaw off and on many times..but now I'm settling in...what do you think is the fastest way to become build complete and how much time will it take

  2. Forever unless you poor your heart,soul and children's college fund into the game
  3. A month if you spend lots of cash, about a year if devs don't release another set of lands.

    Best way is b2b hte with zta trains on weekends if you spend.

    If you don't spend then you may do high tier ebs and the occasional war if that tickles your fancy.
  4. It depends what build you want, though the difference barely varies.

    A spy build from scratch costs 614.6 trillion, not counting any plunder spells, event bonuses, pvp hits, ally hired or mass item buying.

    The time it'll take will depend on your activity and money you spend. Say you're doing haunting back to back and getting about two hundred billion a week like me (I'm fairly active, unload maybe five times a day total but at least two or three are on players) it's take a little over eight years to finish. Closer to eight and a half.

    If you get seal drops (are they even still a thing?) or free escape/ZTA, or even pay your way, it's a LOT faster if you can keep the spending up. Events help, and this event seems to give 150% extra gold wise compared to last event.

    This is a very obvious pay to win game but that doesn't mean you can enjoy it for free.

    EDIT: Keep forgetting to add that the time I'm saying it takes is based on the same income for the whole eight years. Obviously your income won't change much at first but when you can hit the high tier epics easily you'll be earning a lot more than haunting will pay out. It'll make things easier but it'll still take a while.
  5. I think I got my answer...ty guys 
  6. Spend money or keep an eye out for free hte in wc. Do tons of wars even though you may suck or don't win to get as much event rewards as you can. I reccomend just going for the 2k tier as it gives around around 5t lol.
  7. Pay to win
  8. There's a build guide in the guide section
  9. That's very observant of you however, it does not answer OP's question :roll: He asked whats the best way to build complete and how long.
  10. Fastest is buy crystals and seals hit hte btb drop as many Crystals as possible. Take a couple months.
    If you don't spend much maybe a little here and there, then 3 years? If you are super active. Not missing unloads
  11. Ive been playing for coming up on five years as a freemium player (besides propacks and xtals for war, neither help growth) and im not even close to BC.

    So dont expect to get BC or even close in todays KaW with out heavy spending.
  12. I was build complete once. Than I took 3 land updates to the knee.
  13. I'm coming close to 6 years and look at my stats.
  14. From what I hear, the fastest way is from lots of working out and protein shakes.
  15. Water, fertilizer, sunlight and suitable environment and climate.
    Investor-friendly and consumer-friendly economy, stable government, stable market prices and good social values, incorruptible laws and strong ancestral foundations.
  16. Ally trading is the fastest way to bc
  17. You have to have quite a bit of gold in the first place to start ally trading..
  18. Activeness is fastest way pure and simple - activeness.

    basics as set a timer to remind you to unload hourly

    If you spend - save seals and xtals to use with Cruxes and get on some trains.

    Use the level 1 building glitch to get more hits per unload (ask around ppl can explain that to you)

    Events - embrace all of it to try reach highest tier you can - EE(even losing pays) PvP (even smallest tiers give good event drops) and get active on ebs, even jump clans to get ends of ebs and more drops . Remember to open a boxes daily too for free.

    skip hf lands and go to abyss and new lands as soon as you can for bigger plunder increase. Dont bother building towers on lands until you are going to actually have more than mp in allies (ie last lands lol)

    spies build those spies

    max plunder- amazing how many ppl upgrade and forget to check they are still mp
  19. On the topic of ally trading...

    Even then that gold should go into your build so you can get even better event rewards and reek almost immediate benefits... Instead of risking your gold which can be stripped, being stuck with a crappy inactive ally and having to wait for your investment to grow by someone else hiring them... You need to have control over these things.

    There is profit within the ally market but you need profit to get profit... Now replace profit with lots of gold.
  20. Idk I've been playing nearly 4 years and have never build complete I suppose it's to do with how people play but gl anyway op.