what is better weapon aby sword or feather

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DVetZer0, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. What one is better and why.

    Aby sword
    Feather weapon
    Both from fod
  2. Abyssal unless the feather sword is fully upgraded
  3. The quill is mightier than he sword
  4. Why is aby sword better. And how many upgrades for feather. So you mean all 10 upgrades ??? Aby says 10% thats 10% of what. What level you need to be for that to be more than feather ??
  5. I have asked this question and people have opinions but no proof or stats why one is better.
  6. Abyssal Blade - Attack Builds

    Diamondiferous - Hansels
  7. 10% of your attack and spy attack stat.
  8. In the long run the abyssal sword will be the better invesment. However the feather is brtter early on.

    10% of your total troop strength AND 10% of your spy troop strength
  9. The feather goes to 4 with enhantments, and has bonuses of- 10mill att/ 6mill spy att (i think) . The sword is better if you have large stats :)
  10. Ok if yohr willing to take the time to switch for attack build use abyssal for first 50% then feather for last 50 same for hansels except do for spy troops.
  11. So if my spy att is 700k and my attack is 2mil then with aby sword its 20,000 att and 7,000 spy att.
  12. Cause 10% of mil is 100k and feather has mire than that or is my math wrong
  13. Cause i have 1 upgrade on diamond feather and its 6.5mil att 3mil spy att. Is 10% for aby sword cs or just attack spy att. Cause im 2.1mil attack 720k spy attack.
  14. If I'm fighting from low troops/pin I use the diamondiferous (it's bonus is static unlike the sword) when I'm full the abyssal sword gives me an extra 15m attack bonus.
  15. I prefer the sword. As a hansel I have low attack so sword doesn't help much. I also have an attack build with the feather. The reason is that its static damage, does not drop unlock the abys sword. Because of this(and bow) I can do a full unload on haunt with 0 pots. Hope this helps
  16. So aby sword goes 10% off strength not bonus to allies. Thus I'm 100mil strength to start given me 10.7mil att, 3.7mil spy att bonus but as my strength lowers so does my bonus.

    With diamond feather i have 6.5mil att, 3mil spy att. And its static. So in conclusion aby is stronger with full troops/spies until about half then feather is best. Thank you for all your helping me.
  17. What kool-aid said
    Except the 10% is current troops example : you'll hit harder at 25% with the feather then the ab sword because feather is static (like towers are static). Ab sword is not static.
  18. Abbysal blade is 10% of your spy and attack stats; not your combined stats, but the stats that are on your profile (50 times your CS)

    The abyssal blade is better if you are a bigger build, and if you are high on troops/spies. If you have full troops, 10% of the stat is a lot. However if you are fighting from pin, 10% of what your attack is, is probably not much.

    Usually hansels and small builds use diamond
    Bigger attack builds use abyssal
  19. The Ab Sword provides 10% attack and spy attack bonuses. As your stats increase, so will the bonus stats from the Ab Sword. Feather Sword provides static bonuses.

    So big attack builds may favor the Ab Sword, and Hansels / Pure Spies may favor the Feather Sword.

    But... As your actual troop strength decreases from hitting / taking hits, so will the bonus gained from the Ab Sword. So for unloads from full / skimming from full on an EB or another player, the Ab Sword is a good bet for attack builds. As your actual troop strength lowers (from troop depletion), the Ab Sword's bonus becomes negligible. So in many instances, a highly or fully enchanted Feather Sword rocks. This is especially true when pvping from low troops.

    I own both, though my Feather Sword is unenchanted ATM. If I were able to fully enchant that bad boy, I'd choose it over my Ab Sword. Just some thoughts...