what is aqua used for?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by cron, Sep 16, 2016.

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  1. I'm still kind of new.
  2. You drink it.
  3. Aqua can be used once you have a level 3 castle through the mage to upgrade your equipment.

    Don't drink it.
  4. Lol, "don't drink it."

    Questions answered, /lock
  5. Aqua is used by Aquaman, that is where he gets his super powers from.
  6. I would advise you not get to interested im this game. You will just get let down again and again. This game was so good in 09-10. Now Its essentially a cash cow for ata to develop other games
  7. This kind of advice is the reason this game is dying...
  8. I wouldn't want someone to waste valuable time on a game that isn't worth it. The game wont die from this advice. It will die from userd leaving due to dissatisfaction caused by developers.
  9. The game will die from users leaving in general. You're telling this guy to leave!
  10. You switched the qoutes lol. And i advised to not get to interested. Didn't say quit :p
  11. As has already been said aqua and inferno are used to enchant equipment in the mage which is unlocked once you have a level 3 castle.

    If you have any more questions please feel free to wall me :)

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