what is a sweetpot

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GreenXStar_TR, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. People say in FoD can I do sweetpot I wander what it is please help me
  2. *sweetspot
  3. You need to read Wulf's eb guide its referring to the spot when it opens for attacks at the end of FOD during the item phase.
  4. Its the only location for No Quarter and Figure of Death that you are able to hit at.
  5. its the place in an EB where candy starts falling out of the ghosts as you hit them with a bat
  6. Obvious retard is obvious

  7. Natan there is a reason nobody owns you. You are a worthless piece of crap.
  8. why yes i am
  9. When the assorted candies drop out someone has to stay back and hold the ghosts while the 9 year olds beat the **** out of them. Afterwards the 9 yr olds grab up all the candy except the tootsie rolls. They leave those to u. Hope u enjoy tootsie rolls for the rest of ur KAW life
  10. -____- I may just be a tiny little nooblet, but even I know what the "sweet spot" in FoD is
  11. Can't say. But keep it clean K