Dont listen to melnik. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Here are the steps 1. Wall Swabia asking for epic batter 2. Get a sammich from-shadowassassin- 3. Make epic batter sammich 4. Send feedback saying that epic batter sammich is good. 5. Wait a few hours 6. Kaw will message you It will say in the box where you type "you and kaw are not friends" 7. Reset and spragga will give you the castle code.
The castle code was something Swabia did that was out before the castle upgraded. He was actually banned for doing it for awhile, hence "free swabia". The lvl2 Castle -Upgraded cost: 4,000,000,000 (4B) -to upgrade explore all 25 lowlands benefits- 42,000 attack/defense, 32,000 spy attk/spy def -troops: /na [no troops] -Powers: unlocks the alchemist where you use mithril to temporarily use spells.
There is no castle code. You can upgrade your castle once you have completed buying all of the lands in lowlands. It costs 4 billion gold and gives you a boost of 40k/40k att and def and 30k/30k spy attack and spy defense.