What If?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. I've often thought what if?

    It's an interesting thing to do. What if we could actually rapidly regenerate cells?

    What if we could travel between stars?

    What if we could communicate universally? (I know there used to be only 1 language)

    What are your what if's?
  2. A short thread but I'm hoping for something thought provoking.
  3. No telling what the thought "what if" has brought to us so far from our ancestors of the past.

    Its a powerful thought.
  4. But... What if this thread wasn't made? :ugeek:
  5. What if man evolved flight, or the ability to freely breathe air and water?
    Would this lead to new technological advancements, or bring about a war between those who have and those who don't have these abilities?
  6. Don't bring X-Men into this Kappa 
  7. What if the human life span lasted longer?
  8. I've often wondered if day to day actions affect the world.

    Like, what would have happened ha you not drank a cup of coffee today?

    It's a weird thing to think and I'm probably wrong but I think that all actions affect the future.
  9. There was show with the guy from mith busters about how this guy essentially made himself live longer some how, and he got so old his brain didn't have enough room to create more memories and his body stopped working. He made duplicate cyborg body thing and he had to figure out a way to store his memories on hard drives.
  10. Do you know that if is the middle word in life?
  11. Actually, he got shot by a radioactive bullet and his wife had to figure out how to upload his brain to a computer.
  12. Enjoy this quote by a mastermind, Hopsin.

    "Man everything is “what if?”, why is it always “what if?”
    Planet Earth “what if?”, the universe “what if?”
    My sacrifice “what if!”, my afterlife “what if!”
    Every ******* thing that deals with you is ******* suspect"
  13. I mean what if our whole bodies, including our minds, were able to survive longer.
  14. It was a while ago Ty for correcting me
  15. What if KaW never existed.

    Now that is a very scary question, because we have all spent tons of time into this game.
  16. What if i didnt waste a min of my time reading and replying to this...

  17. Id prob still be dating your mom

  18. Lotion and 50 shades of grey sales would have been up more.

    Seperate or combine that as you will
  19. Dude you're so cool, where do I buy my swag lessons?
  20. What if One Direction ran the country.