What if we could use Mith for troop/spy regen?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Sakei, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Here's a cool and awesome idea for petition that I think will make this game a whole lot better. Ok here it is guys. What if for an x amount of Mith, you could get a full or partial troop/spy regen. Support this if you think that this is a good idea. 
  2. Also to add to the "partial" aspect, I was thinking of even if you didn't have enough mith for a full regen then you could still regen a percentage of it. I really hope the devs find this to be a good idea. Again support!
  3. Maybe Gold because gold is more widespread an it would be a disadvantage to lower players like gold if you really need to finish a EB or sumethig