Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sabo_FC, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. I was wondering what happened to all the good spy/hansel guides I was looking for one for what to do after you get to 25 lands 2(lvl3 ) subterranean factory 15 (lvl4)guilds 8 (lvl3)guilds and lvl 2castle thx

    Pls no hate,troll or bellamorte

    No offense to bellamorte I just hear u like to lock threads
  2. Heres the link to missmelons guide.
  3. Go to strategy, look around, find MissMelon's thread about becoming a hansel.
  4. I'm pretty sure you have to have one attack building and you have to upgrade the guilds to level 4.
  5. @Slayer

    That guide is not for becoming a hansel, that guy is for 1 T4 and having level 4 guilds.


    Look on the Strategy section and look for a guide by "MissMelon" for hansels.
  6. Beelemorte is a spoil sport, sad 
  7. Look at __v___a_____l__'s guide or missmelons in strategy
  8. No hate  I'll try
  9. My hate gland is empty, if you need advice follow me and I'll tell you my method.
