Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Cobra, Jul 31, 2016.

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  1. So I was recently searching for a new ally to hire due to mine being hired and I came across somebody with an active spell, so I thought he was an active player. Nope! I found out he had a spell activated called Veil of Evasion. Also, he's had thid spell activated for multiple years! Does anyone know what this spell was used for and why it rums for years?

  2. Veil spell was cast to avoid participation in ee wars during season 1.
  3. I believe... From my limited memory... It was a spell that let you opt out of events (as in the opposite of having to cast a spell to join events as you do now) during the first Estoc Wars and you were allowed to pick for how long you could cast this spell (so you can just cancel it if you want to opt back in to anything).
    I guess when they changed it, he was already inactive (as you said) and just never cancelled the casting of this spell so it will continue indefinitely...?
    Probably have to get a second opinion, but from my recollection this was what Veil of Evasion was.
  4. You would be correct.^
  5. It's very strange to see an inactive player in such an active clan. Lol.
  6. "active" lol they probably have around 15 active
  7. Yes from what I recall the first trial wars and then the first season were 'opt out' events.
    I definitely remember all the drama it caused when everyone in the clan logged on to find themselves in war. Fun times.
  8. Can we just take a moment to admire the banner....
  9. I believe you snort it up your nose
  10. /lock please mods
  11. Huh. That's cool that he probably hasn't been on since then. Nice find.
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