What does spy att stats have to b

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, May 17, 2012.

  1. What does spy att stats have to b to hit SS,FOD,COD,NQ,TOC and New Growth
  2. Like 1mill combiined
  3. Try going for Guild Hansel first before you go to SoS ๎ probably the build which makes most money in EBs. This is because of the bonus you recieve from Attacks/Assassinates/Items. Anyways whatever you chose ๎„and war from time to time and play KaW how it is supposed to be played.
  4. i'm able to hit all ebs just fine with my spies. full unloads without fails.
  5. Not very much I hit just fine even when I had lower stats
  6. @darkn3ss - yes, New Growth as well.
  7. If your founding to that one Sun clan it's like 3mill cs