What do u guys know about NBN

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BwMesch, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. All the clans NBN,No Bully Network,NBN - Boot Camp,and Gekko's Dragon TALK
  2. I don't know anything about them, but their name seems to suggest that they're misguided people that are trying to stop war in a war game.
  3. i remember NBN i used to be allies with them in my old clan. wayyyy back
  4. Cool shifty
  5. oh yeah.
  6. U know No bully network bear we're rated #57 on the leader boards and our leaders r Silvertip and joint their ranked near the top around 40
  7. nope i did not know. after i gave up ownership of my old clan i didint pay much attention :lol:
  8.  N B N 
  9. No Bulleh Nutjobs? (luluseewutididdar? work=job?) lolololololol :3

    and i just misspelled net... ._.

    no but seriously... wut...? o.0
  10. @shifter

  11. ...no. :?:
  13. actually I wrote "fail =3"
