what do I do with my build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kidd-Buu, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. I need a build that I can war effectively with and still hit big ebs, also need a war clan that is very supportive of war noobs like me and can teach me the mechanics and strategy of war
  2. Revhan build. Oh wait...
  3. Lots of ADT and SDT if you still wanna get into big clans in the future.
  4. When you say war, do you mean ewar or osw op?
  5. Pull a johnnypizzo and you should be fine for war
  6. Yes I agree with Omar this is very vague...we require a great deal more information before we can advice on such a delicate matter...also what kind of funds are you willing to pull out and spend?...
  7. All aspects of war, but mainly osw and ee, I am willing to spend money on the game
  8. Those are the only two types of pvp