what better

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by tha_old_nite, May 28, 2011.

  1. What is better lvl 3 SOS , lvl 3 coe or lvl 3 titan
  2. It depends what direction you want to go with your build, but with your current stats I'd recommend an L3 SOS if it's a choice between those three buildings.
  3. I'm going attack
  4. Was wondering cause people say with SOS u get 1.3bill per 10nob but coe and Titan give more plunder
  5. You're going attack?

    If you are going attack why have you included every building EXCEPT for the attack building?
  6. I ment attacker and cause Coe better than foundry and so is titan
  7. Are you saying they're better as in during pw or system war?
  8. If you are looking at the build from a pw perspective then the CoE will give an extra 2 hits per full unload but the Titan gives more plunder.

    The SOS will be helpful if you have an oaf as well
  9. Sorry I forgot to take into account that this is now KaPW, not KaW.. :D

    If you're purely a PW build, follow -Macabre-'s advice, use the Circle of Ele, or the SOS if your PW clan of choice offers OAFs as well as OSFs.
  10. I'm talking bout kaW