what are the best building for a oaf ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Herbie_FC, May 28, 2011.

  1. What are the best builds for an oaf please wall me. The building that give you the most stats and plunder
  2. Beasts / avairys
  3. Circle of elements

  4. For an attack build OAF (traditional OAF) you want all Level 3 Circle of Elementals (Or whatever Ballaced buildings you can afford). OAF pay out based on high stats and Balanced buildings offer the highest stats in the game.

    For a SpyBuild OAF (More common now as they can easily switch between OSF, OAF, and Hansel) you want all Level 3 Stronghold of Shadows (or what ever spy buildings you can afford) with your spies pinned at 0.
  5. Circle of Elements
  6. wouldn't sos be a balanced situation as well? thus making it the same payout :idea: :idea:

  7. It is possible to make a higher stat Troop OAF than an Spy OSF.

    49 CoE lvl3 would pay better on steals than 49 SoS3 I believe due to significantly higher stats.

    However, the Spy OAF can convert to OSF or Hansel making it favorable.