What are the best builds for an oaf please wall me. The building that give you the most stats and plunder
For an attack build OAF (traditional OAF) you want all Level 3 Circle of Elementals (Or whatever Ballaced buildings you can afford). OAF pay out based on high stats and Balanced buildings offer the highest stats in the game. For a SpyBuild OAF (More common now as they can easily switch between OSF, OAF, and Hansel) you want all Level 3 Stronghold of Shadows (or what ever spy buildings you can afford) with your spies pinned at 0.
It is possible to make a higher stat Troop OAF than an Spy OSF. 49 CoE lvl3 would pay better on steals than 49 SoS3 I believe due to significantly higher stats. However, the Spy OAF can convert to OSF or Hansel making it favorable.