What are some ways to earn money?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xxx_FiyaaH_xxX, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. What are some ways to earn money? :v
  2. U can battle peopl, steal money from them, do quests, participate in epic battles or war.

    Also you earn money when people buy alloes off i
  3. But nobility points hit eb's attack people or do wars
  4. hop in a Circle whilst holding your breath naked.
  5. Ask your clanmates, if they won't help you, find a new clan. Our growth clan is Resistance Rising. They will Show you the ways. See if your clan will too.
  6. Try hitting people.

    Who am I kidding, hit an EB

  7. The only people that pay well are in IG :lol:

    I take no responsibility for the potential farming of anybody that hits IG
  8. Buy 4 beastiaries or war aviaries rest lvl 3 guilds
  9. My way makes plunder at end of eb
  10. A lot of it 
  11. Buy 5000 nobility point and u should be ok.
  12. Nah read my guide an you will be #1
  13. Get a job buy nobility
  14. Put close to $150 into the game and then mysteriously disappear, never to be seen on kaw again.