Well, since this promo is almost over....

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Okay ATA listen up.

    Over these two weeks you successfully soaked me for about $100 for those gotta have em trinkets. And the whole time I was thinking:

    First I thought of threatening you:

    Then I thought of begging:

    I even thought of bawling some nonsensical drivel like blazey (aka Russianspy) in Fury:

    There was even talk of a bribe:

    But in the end, after blowing all my girlfriend's beer money on this last promo, I decided to ask once more nicely:

    So who is with me? Post your support.

    Frog out.
  2. Reserved for some reason.
  3. In s5 we need to:

    Restore an Asian friendly time and make it an indie.

    Get rid of rounds.

    Make indi pay the same as primals.
  4. No support
    Prolly good news noob less ee losses for you anyway
  5. I do agree that we do need s5. I've stopped buying XSTALS and just started warring every 2 weeks since I get enough xstals to do that off events. They are just ran that often now.

    Plus, if we are doing medallions again, I would like to see a difference in how Indi/primal pay.
  6. We all know these events are about who has the deepest pockets and little to do with being good at the game. How about a PvP that doesn't need spells and limits use of xtals to 6 a day? Make it somewhat affordable.
    Oh and SUPPORT to this thread
  7. My problem with Primals is that in season there is too much politics involved. You got 70 ppl competing for 15 spots in the good clans. Too much of primals is decided by what clan your in instead of how well you war. At least with indi you know you're gonna war and have a fair fight.
  8. Nice post, may edit this later with a longer post…
  9. I still don't know why is everyone begging for a Samsung S5. Greedy people 
  10. I'd rather we skip season 5 and just start season 6.
  11. That works for me.
  12. Totally support season 5.

    I think anyone who wants to promote season 5 should meet me at the intersection of the road where the ATA drive starts. Lets say we meet at 4pm central standard time. I will be the one wearing the blue baseball cap and khaki shorts with the large cargo pockets. I plan to wear my toe shoes and will be holding the orange posterboard sign that reads "Season 5 damnit". My wife says that it may be warm tomorrow, so make sure to bring sunscreen and of course your kawmunity authorized riot card and a pitchfork or shovel. We want to make sure that kaw knows we are serious about season 5 so do not come if your not prepared to "rumble" with the apes. We may be there for a while as I have heard apes can be extremely stubborn. Please pack a supper and a sleeping bag....

  13. Let them take it. My mom has the s5 Active. Those inactive ones are jokes.
  14. In a few months s5 will start and very one will say yes I'm so happy s5 here. That very day a thread by the same people that want s5 will be made complaining about the matchup system ect. Let's face it wars was fun in s1,s2.since then it's been a stack fest with a few that stack/do well and the majority left mad and angry about a flawed system that won't be fixed. In the meanwhile promos will continue to run thru s5,when time and effort could be used to fix wars. The devolopers of this game are like rich kids with no responsibility. Wars are like Crack . If you try it and catch a buzz you'll be looking for that high forever and rarely get the blast your looking for.if I ever run across any of the devs female family I will make sure to treat them as the devs treat us. I will use them up til they are dry and toss them to the side like the trash we are treated like. I advise all others to do same thing. Give them back what they give out
  15. HUGE SUPPORT brother Frog. Its long long overdue. Not to mention there are pieces of equip to match the ones released last season. I'd love to know what the hold up is and if it's because the Devs have decided to scrap s5 then why not just tell us?
  16. Support for S5! I love these wars and the competition is something i always look forward too