I was just thinking it would be cool to have a user stats page that showed how much gold you made on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Then how it was spent (or lost in war, etc). There could even be some aggregate comparisons to the kaw community at large (% based) as well as within a peer group of those with similar stats. What do you think?
So now KAW would not only be facebook, but the IRS as well. Damn, now that they have the social and financial components under their belts, they might as well hire Mao as supreme mod.
You have always wanted a report that would reveal your average source of income as well as the average amount of opposition to someone who could potentially strip you clean of allies? Good luck with that.
I won't lie, this would be awesome. As of now I have a rough estimate of what I make a day, but exact numbers would be just awesome.
A lot of things are supposed to be private, but then tend to receive the water gate affect and become.. not so private. Though I personally would love to see how Mao would run this mad house.
Support. I'd love to see what the whales are spending, and love to see my name on someone's loss column. This would be epic.