I will be hosting weekly clan advantage Saturday at 6pm pst Here's how it works (all times in PST) Minimum requirements 22bcs hit range band (can reach legacy) Not a pure spy Clan: 100Q or bust quicklink magicman Door opens 4pm Spots are first come first serve. All are expected to come WOC casted When clan fills up to 30 people or 5pm hits, door is LOCKED I will make a fair matchup (accounting for each side's experience levels, size, build, whether they have a commander, etc) Roughly half the clan will be sent to a different clan, and will sign up Then we war! These are meant to be competitive wars - repeat inactives will be given lower priority. Additionally, it's not fun to be food so the 2 people with the WEAKEST troops on each team will be given 1000 mats