At some point, it would be great if for at least a week all epic battles were disabled and only allowed for bl hits and for quests to be done. It would bring out the old nature of kaw and give people a memory of the past.
And devs would lose a crap load of money people would cry and leave the game or complain on the forums. Sorry, but I don't think so :/
For what?Is this another crybaby PvP thread? You don't need the devs system or permission to hit another player don't wanna eb for a week?dont..
If it was a crybaby thread it would never exist, it would be to bring people out to actually use Pvp.
Stop trying to act like a "tough" "OG" KaW player OP. If you want to hit someone, the attack button is free to use.
I dunno...sounds lie fun, but gotta be unannounced eb blackout to really get the panic to spread rather than a buncha eb accounts bank an go inactive for weekend. Btw account looks like OG reset...
Actually it would be fun and the EB players wouldn't just go offline for a week. All there allies would get hired and all that gold out... :mrgreen: you can piece the rest together.
There's a reason why the battle list is available, just use it instead of trying to make peeps that like hitting ebs get involved in 1v1 and I do use the battle list constantly. Ok one very good reason why not to stop ebs for a week is just imagine a new play starting kaw, he's first week he would get murdered by the little bully alts of kaw that always look for the easy target instead of locking for a equal appointment for a fight
Forced PVP, triple the payout of hitting another player for this week -> unless said player is a pure spy, in which case they make 50% less plunder (to deter someone just opening an osf and doing that)