WEEK 3 WAR 13 // 16 Rank difference

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Whiskey_Throttle, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. RH Vs Insane asylum.
    one side has LB
    one side is bottom 1/3 of signup ranks
    one side is top 1/3 of signup ranks
    I dont wanna hear/read anyones opinion
    I only want to see serious posts regarding the actual math behind this match.
    Only game mechanics to be discussed in this thread
  2. Game mechanics? Devs got high and did a shitty job ... End of story...
  3. Just one of the many accounts of this happening , best of luck
  4. Devs have almost no idea what makes a good matchup...random matchups would probably make for more better compelling matchups then their current 'algorithm'.

    I pretty much gave up on the dev's when during season 2 they called matches good when one clan was only out scored by 100% or less. Pretty much any other game or sport would consider that a blowout...ata apparently considers that close. If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about their matchmaking skills I don't know what else would.

    Nothing is more fun in this game then a good close back and forth war but I have zero faith the devs can deliver that with any regularity. If they understood the game they would match LB/GH clans against LB/GH clans and mid heavy clans against mid heavy clans. They don't and likely never will.