Week 14 War 5

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. War 5
    2 hour war, 15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    PDT - Sunday - 4am-4:30am
    EDT - Sunday - 7am-7:30am
    GMT - Sunday - 11am-11:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 7pm-7:30pm

    Signups: 25
    No Matches: 5

    World War Z, -The MaTriX-, Rising Hawks and Murder Death Kill you had low hit ratios even with your best matches.

    oG Alliance -> odd man out
  2. Be interesting to see the breakdown for BG v Phalanx plz devs  I'm not sure how your algorithm got to that conclusion  Respect to both clans for going ahead with the war 
  3. Phalanx vs Battlegrounds. Please explain this war Dumb asses. It's bad when your opponent apologizes before the war starts. In what possible inkling of your imagination was this fair. I don't care if I lose but at least give me some kind of a chance
  4. Agree eagle and queen. Was 2 hours of mundane turtle wars. They couldn't hit me successfully and I'm #29 on our roster.
    1/3 good fun wars this week is a loosing algorithm.
    I emplore you all to listen to the Kaw community as we play everyday. We know what we like or dislike. Keep us interested and we keep playing. That simple. Lop sided wars stink.
    Respect to phalanx, you all should hold you're heads high and know you fought with honor.

    Devs FIX IT !!!!!! (Please)
  5. Forgot a part, I'm #29 in our clan and their top person couldn't successfully hit me. Something is wrong here
  6. Agree BC and having warred with phalanx before I know they are a good organised clan. Their track record b4 today is a good one! Matched against even opponents they will compete. With season 2 about to start there is a lot wrong with this match up system. Season 1 was nearly there but we are nowhere near now - we've gone backwards. Look at previous posts from IMF, mcarni and many others. The fix is there is it really too difficult to try to implement these ideas.

    Oh and shock horror BG are complaining about a match up grossly in their favor. Looks like we r turning over a new leaf (sarcasm for those that missed it).
  7. I didn't even war and felt bad for those guys at Phalanx. I woke up late, looked to see who BG got and asked "Who are they?" There isn't any logical algorithm to put these 2 clans together.

    Don't tell me we were #1 and they were #2 !!!!! Don't you get it? Most teams, if not all, want to be competitive, WIN or LOSE. War 4 against -Elysium-, I thought was going to be tighter. I didn't match stats, bfe or bfa. You guys did. They fought well, I have some friends there and some that I just respect, but we managed them well the whole war. I know we had to have a good margin of advantage. Maybe that's the best we can do with getting the matches close enough.

    So all that said, tomorrow starts Season 2. All I can say is " Ohhh noooo Mr. Billlll"
  8. Get war 6 up plz
  9. 2nd time i bloody cant hit a single player please fix this getting tired of it now…
  10. Not to mention im not the only one who cant hit at all here, im sure those damn matchups are all randomly matched up.
  11. Not sure how the hit ratio is derived but if it means in layman term to able to hit each other, then its a flop. Being able to hit is not enough. You should be able to hit successfully. Does the hit ratio factor that? If the combined stats of both clan has a difference of more than 50m, will the match be considered fair? Not to mention the bfe and bfa possessed by the stronger clank. It just tilt the match to one sided and turn people off....I would rather have a no match then to be a punching bag for 2 hrs...pls do something abt it. Thanks.
  12. Where's war 6
  13. Still no answers? Why am I surprised? 