Week 14 War 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. War 2
    1 hour war, 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    PDT - Friday - 8pm-8:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 11pm-11:30pm
    GMT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am
    SGT - Saturday - 11am-11:30am

    Sginups: 54
    No matches: 4

    Committed / DEATHS ACOLYTES and JOKERS ASYLUM / No Match Found based you were matched up based on your BFA, BFE and CS but both matches would have resulted in too many people not being able to hit each other.
  2. @kaw admin not to bad of matched up agasint uc a really tough clan but still manageable ty for doin a good job :D
  3. @kaw are the clans that keep happening to get no matches weekly going to be given warnings anytime soon. Last season you warn clans of so many no matches.
  4. Second no match in a row for us... I like the mith but I really am going to want that armor when the season starts.
  5. Our matchup looks good, thank you devs! 

    Good luck to both sides 
  6. Glad urs does lol
  7. 73.8m more cs than us, double bfa and same bfe.... Can I have some of what your smiling devs? Hit ratio crap is completely stupid. Thanks for letting us pound on a brick wall for an hour 
  8. wow just wow! Almost 74mil cs bigger. Huge bfa compared to ours. Yup I want what devs are on. Or at least wat skoo u go 2 lern maf
  9. When does season 2 start?
  10. kaw_admin/devs - Quick question and concern, while looking through Murder War's roster, we saw that DiscGolfWizard (roster #27) shows as active in the war but does not have Wave of Conflict cast.

    Can you explain how someone without WOC is active in the war? Is that player really active or not?
  11. does having mr lube here make u think ur "algorithm" is easier to take cheers
  12. Kaw admin. What is the criteria for gettimg mith drop in the paldin eb? We had a person who did get 1 hit in but didnt get any mith drop.
  13. Kaw_admin fix the crappy server I delink all devices on mu internet and use one device but yet the server kicks me out , 4 times this war , pathetic fix your crappy server
  14. My troops show full then empty half way then show full again really this is how the war system works fix your bugs. It's getting ridiculous.
  15. Devestation, clan of whiners. you guys were outmatched just like many clans today. some find a way to win, some whine and complain. The SI barcode who posted on this is a whiner, the rest of your clan is winners. They tried their toughest, and made it a close war, that is currently coming down to the wire, could go either way. Don't whine when you can win.

    Americans in the revolutionary war were able to defeat England not by having a bigger army, or better guns, but by warring smart.
  16. @trolle

    Mith is not guaranteed from TVP. Low actions can receive no mith at all. I don't have link to post, but I remember this coming up a few months AFO.
  17. Wow I spectates DLOK and what an exciting war with a quick xstal in the end by the opponent, which dragged it from a 1 bil lead by us, to a 2 bil lead by them.

    Great job devs.
  18. trade post with main bud
  19. Thx devs!!! Finally a war that was close and fun instead of a boring blow out. If you could make every war like this season2 would be awesome.
    Much respect to zero-tolerance, you out played and out strategized us.