Week 14 - War 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. War 1
    1 hour war, random KO time between 8 and 13 minutes
    PDT - Friday - 12pm-12:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 3pm-3:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am

    DEATHS ACOLYTES you were the lowest ranked clan based on combined stats, BFA and BFE we attempted to match you with JOKERS ASYLUM but the matchup had a bad hit ratio so there was a no match. JOKERS ASYLUM you could have matched with other clans based on your combined stats, BFA and BFE but all other clans in your range had better matchups based on our matching algorithm.

    Clan A odd man out.

    Signups: 51
    No Match: 3


  2. Nice. Quick posting there admin. appreciated :)
  3. Thanks for the quick posting, kaw_admin! Very appreciated!

    Can you hint at least when T6 lv 3 upgrades will be released? Many would really appreciated.

    Any info on the stats of T6 lv 3 would be appreciated as well.
  4. Who in their right mind would go for T6 Level 3????

    I won't even go near level 2, and I hate to think what level 3 will be like.

    I will go for level 3 if it makes up for the lack of increase in stats for that level 2 gave, in other words, if it has normal stats and then a bit more added onto (to make up for level 2) then I will think about buying in the future. But as for now. Allies are the best option.