Week 13 Test Wars - War 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. War 1
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Friday - 12pm-12:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 3pm-3:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am

    Sign-ups: 44
    No matches: 2

    No Match Found and THE LIGHTNING STRIKE we attempted to match you based on your BFA, BFE, and build stats, but the hit ratio would have been too low for a good match.
  2. @kaw admin are yall goin to figure out a way to stop mith farming its unfair to the people who actually war
  3. Stop the exploit Devs! no mith cast, no mith paid.

    Of course next week they will cast a 1 mith spell
  4. At least the last team to apply didn't get a "no match" this time
  5. kaw_admin, can you explain what players could do to help get a match instead of saying "we attempted to match you based on your BFA, BFE, and build stats, but the hit ratio would have been too low for a good match"?
  6. A few mith from VP eb
  7. Seems like NMF rarely gets a match. That's a shame.
  8. To Wilders_Chilli

    When we are matched up against you, 27 vs 29, my side was very concern on how we going to pin down all your big spies. We started planning, giving and taking suggestion on how to tackle the situation.

    We are that concern about the style you guys are going to war. What will your strategy be on us. We are prepared to lose but of course with fighting all out. Some of my members look at the war history and started saying that this will be an easy win but most of deny that as you guys wont sign up if you guys ain't serious.

    When war started, all of us started to make our plans work. But the problem is there isn't any retaliation. An hour pass n still no retaliation. So my questions are, why join if you are not interested in warring? I like easy wins but too easy is no fun. It's like you're hitting a mannequin. I don't know what's Wilders_Chilli motive in joining war 1 if almost all are inactive. Hope next war will be interesting for us.

    Just sharing the experience. I war because I want to experience ee. This is my 2nd time spending my 2hrs in ee and I'm half enjoying it. Please let me enjoy war system war once again. Thanks.
  9. Looking into it. Will keep you posted.
  10. Great match up the umbrella corp. Vs. Devils wrath but no one used mith spells so we spent more than we made this was a waste blahhh
  11. The kaw rullerz*** sorry devels wrath
  12. Ya devs..It was so boring to just sit and keep searching for targets when no one is attacking. No crystals, no mith..more like they were making a joke out of us :x
  13. Could you tell US if there are any plans to help increase participation rates in EE jaw admin please?
  14. Great job on the matchups, devs. Only 6 out of 22 had really lopsided outcomes. There were sooooooo many close wars this time!!
  15. Start stripping the mith Devs, you set a precedence with the gold exploit. Their punishment was extremely harsh, I don't see why this punishment should be any less. Unless you think previous was too harsh???
  16. Well devs I can't speak for anyone else but our war 1 og alliance vs ncu dominion was an absolutely brilliant war. In all the ee wars I've done which is a fair few that was by far the closest war and exciting till the end. Respect to Ncu you guys brought it and hard.
  17. Devs, with regards to war 1. I would like to highlight an issue. V-hawks against Art of war. Same warring system. But honestly I was hoping to get an answer of some sort. So we were in the closing minutes of the war like last 8-10mins. V-hawks were up by 2b, cc was clean. Only had updates on sko and our ko's, meaning we were still winning. ( Bright green and dark red ) there were bright red but out of 10 we only had 2. Cc was like that all the way till last 15-20sec. Still checking WR and still up by 2b. Cc was the same. We were not being koed by the others. Zero seconds came and we lost by 2b. Any idea why?? Was score reversed? I mean if I saw we were losing I wouldn't mind losing but we were winning 2b and in history it just came out we lost war? How was it possible. There was no lag on my side tbh, clan war ratings changed instantaneously. So could u at least explain what happened so as to appease kaw members? I think it's only fair cause we put heart into warring and being up 2b in last 8sec and losing by 2b is pretty painful compared to losing straight from the start. So I honestly do hope devs can explain this score reversing thing. Thanks devs.
  18. They are YAFI war clan. Don't highlight more for your own precaution. Just saying :mrgreen: :mrgreen: