Week 10 - War #10 Update: Still 60% Boring Matches

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _MrCoffee_, May 5, 2013.

  1. Sorry no screen shots - will have to figure out how to do it. By my count this matchup shows 60% boring blowouts, 10% somewhat close wars, and 30% close exciting wars. By far the best of the last 3 matchups, i still do not believe there is a such a big difference between clans that the number of blowouts can't be greatly reduced.

    Match winners with winner. Let those with the OP mith equipment fight another clan with its OP mith equipment.
  2. Butthurt?
    I don't know...
  3. My clan was one of the blowouts ๎’๎’๎’Free mith!! Lol
  4. You enjoy the blowouts? I find only the close wars interesting.
  5. I'd rather an easy war, I don't have to spend money that way.
  6. Now watch. We'll have 100% "exciting" wars and OP will complain about how there are too many eventful wars to watch and how his cable can only record two wars at a time.