Wedding System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ashaya3, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. So I wont add bbc until I get on PC later. But I have an idea to spruce up KaW.

    Marriage system :D

    Basically this allows you and your special someone to bring your relationship to a new level.

    Basically you can buy a ring. There will be multiple ways to buy this ring, base being with gold.

    As you and your partner enchant this ring, it adds a plunder bonus to clan events that you are both in. This includes both war and ebs.

    I have a few other ideas to add to this but will do later.

    Please support or don't and explain why :)
  2. *cough* pimd *cough* this is a war game!
  3. Reserved
  4. Reservation denied
  5. FRIENDSHIP RINGS YASSS let's all not act like we are trying to kill eachothers armies.
  6. Marriage was/is a tactic. Marry the opposing kingdom? Auto alliance
  7. And as Deni said.....

    CF agreement ;)
  8. Go to pimd with this garbage.. People here are not looking for perverted game play and RP marriage..

    Go get a RL girlfriend dork
  9. I can just picture little weirdoes asking for a girl to marry in WC...
  10. This isn't RP.

    Many people play this with their spouses.

    Its also tactical.

    Also some just want others to know their friends.
  11. Already have clan alliances. Singular kingdom alliances....why not. 
  12. I have many best friends. Can I marry multiple people op???
  13. I do not deny the allegation that I have no rl gf.

    As for that, A) its still silencable and B) the gold price would be 100b. Subject to change of course but seems fair.
  14. Pb, marry me. 
  15. Can't see emoji

    AJ I'd be so happy to marry you!
  16. Just wait on that one bacon o.o

    I have another section for multiple relationship ideas. Including master/pupil, friends, and even possibly a large scale alliance ring o.o
  17. With added benefits too. Kinda reminds of Skyrim marriage. Granted that was single player and not multiplayer but whoop dee ******* doo.
  18. Okay ash. I'll check back later for that.