Weakest clan owner of SOTUW Ever

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Barbie34, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Weakest clan owner of Spartans of the Underworld ever. Today is a sad sad day. Because i couldn't believe my eyes.

    Yesterday iso-2 decided to unload a full bar on me yesterday for no apparent reason.

    Today i decided to return the favor.

    Because iso-2 is such a weak clan owner, he's decided to bring in sotuw buddies southpole and SotUW________MR-L________SotUW. Am sure more to come! Bring it on you sorry sorry losers. Not sure why you chose eternal osw, but thanks! Now for me to get started :)

    Being in SOTUW is a disgrace, am sorry to all you who follow such a terrible leader. i would be ashamed if i was in that clan. Poor things. I'm sorry little nooblets.
  2. Shut up. SoTuW is a nice group.
  3. lol u aren't that big tho...
  4. Lots of support.
  5. Support^
  6. U support this popcorn going towards my mouth as I watch this thread
  7. Says the guy in division 1..
  8. Everyone knows division 3 is the best
  9. SotUW are my friends, especially iso and they're a good bunch of people. I think that you're butthurt cause you can't take any hits.
  10. Lmao 
  11. You do know he could be an alt right? :|
  12. Sounds like a butt hurt person to me. What happens to thanks for warring when you warred with SOtuw.
  13. Need to check out whom your hitting barbie before hitting battle list
  14. Well if he's expecting to get a 1v1 off the battle list you most likely don't
  15. I think you are mistaken Barbie. I wouldn't waste my time hitting you. If I did hit you, why would you wait a full 24 hrs to hit me back and then post in forums. Go find Ken, maybe he can talk some sense into you.
  16. you obviously didnt read the story. iso-2 unloaded first on me yesterday. doesnt matter who hits me, if you hit first, expect hits back. plain and simple. and if you cant take the heat? dont dish it out.
  17. Seems like you're the one who can't take the heat. Lol