We need more levels of Shattered Sword

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kinfeezi, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Here's a great idea... have Shattered Sword function something like Estoc Edge! Let that SS spell run on a 2-4 week timer and stay visible even after war ban is over. And then, if they go inactive again they could increase their SS level and be rewarded with increased ban times!

    SS level 1= 3-day ban
    SS level 2= 7-day ban
    SS level 3 = 14-day ban
    SS level 4 = 30-day ban
    SS level 5 = perm ban (make it as long as perm.chat silence)
  2. Maybe make the sword on the spell icon become more and more fragmented for added effect too!
  3. Change L3 to a clan penalty n its perfect

    If clans arbitrarily rig a war result there can be repercussions n especially so if S5.
    No winner constitutes Rigging a war.
    2nd offence is a Level 5 penalty.

    The Collusion Sword
  4. no support
  5. Persistent no show for war should attract a higher level of ban. Support ️
  6. MyNameIsYour2ndName
  7. Support kin, I hate inactives in war. Wish there also could be some kind of punishment for people who refuse to xtal when wc calls it.
  8. why? some people dont want to spend money on this game, respect that.
  9. Then don't war, simple.
  10. A BC had a better idea than this but the concept is good, the barcode doesn't post in wc or forums much, or at all for that matter. Buuut his idea was very good and he should post it.
  11. Don't war if you are too poor to use xtals. You can throw away a war for everyone else in your roster if you don't.
  12. So remove the funnest part of the game from... idk a 9-17yr old that don't got a credit card? Seems legit.... I'm sure every one agrres
  13. Rising star if the battle is lost by 1 person not xtaling then you suck. Who xtals in indi anyways? Aside from people pinned off jump? Have better tactics and a better tracker
  14. To start with I've had a bank account since I was 12 years old, there's nothing stopping others from doing the same.

    To be honest though, if you cannot buy an xtal, convince your parents to buy them or put in the effort to quest for them then yes you're right these people shouldn't be allowed to war. Stop wanting everything for free.
  15. You could even go get a job, at them ages probably a paper round or maybe even do off jobs for your neighbours. Then decide how much you would like to spend on kaw, then here you go mum could you put these 10 rupees into your bank so I can buy some crystals on that sexy game I play on my phone.

    You now have crystals and are no longer a free loading butt grape. Congratulations :)
  16. vital remember something, xtals are not a requirement, they are an extra thing, so you cant blame people who dont xtal and you cant punish them for it, a wc should think about his/her strats with the possibilty people wont xtal.
  17. A lot of people xtal in indi wars, there has been 1 indi war in my whole indi war career where we didn't need to xtal.

    So, because you're a poor kiddo, it is justified to let others xtal for you to win a war? Sounds legit man
  18. I haven't been inactive in war for like 2-3 weeks and before that I went for a few months without a broken sword
  19. No they aren't a requirement but they definitely should be. You're right that a wc should plan his strat around people without xtals but 90% of people won't admit to not having one either way so that doesn't exactly work either.