Due to the ignorance of a few power tripping chumps we lost that war.could have been avoided but warned you of the consequences you will be seeing a lot of me in Indies so buckle up your life (those involved in last war) just got a lot hsrder . You on my roster expect more losses and more wasted time its on now bad move
I vote that the op is stupid troll or noob who just doesnt understand all the political connections as well as hard work it takes to play this game. Edit. Anyone who has a broken sword and bumps their font about war is an idiot
You realize you can get punishments for cheating/spamming/not participating correctly in the wars...right?
That 100v100 had many political ramifications Would be interesting if we split kaw up into 4 or so 'factions' and like factions could iWar together But. That's a good idea. So will be ignored
Interesting ss you have.....is there any other reason why the next text I posted isn't shown? The part that says "clear cc". Perhaps your little ss wouldnt be as effective would it. So keep rubbing that ego bro nice loss BTW my pleasure! And as for my action number why would I continue to fight when I know you would lose ? You abused your power to try and act big in front of your buddies that's the truth. Like I said you will see a lot of me and my friends in indie good luck you are to blame for all of this!