"we are looking for a war, please read before adbertising

Discussion in 'Wars' started by vegoman, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Now I dont believe this has been done before, certainly no stickied thread for it, and I am on android and have not worked out how to edit yet, so in advance, sorry for any spelling mistakes, but lets lets get started.

    Now I find it annoying when I read through active topics and see a thread "please war my clan", all it says is that we are looking for a war. That can fit in a wc post, please DONT post that type of stuff in forums, and just to say, when people say people are trolling when they say this can go in wc, it isn't trolling, its a suggestion. What is more annoying, is that the op bumps the thread, but if you have to bump it, then no one wants to war you.

    does and don'ts

    DO read serpents thread on how to make a succesful clan thread and include what is on there, people wont war you if you use zero effort at all.

    DON'T bump your own thread, if your have to do that to keep it in active topics, no one wants to war you.

    DO think of it can fit in wc, if it can, DON'T post it in forums.

    DO give the terms and conditions of the war, its easier to say now than negotiate them.

    Now I hope this helps you all, and hopefully will clear spam. I am sorry for any mistakes or if its not detailed enough, I have other things to do, like choose my DT topics. Anyway, please dont derail this, or I will kick you off. Thank you for your time, and ask me any questions ypu wish.

    Happy KaWing :)
  2. I could of put in more information in tbh
  3. Ive never seen any forum posts asking for war but good job.
  4. Thanks chicken
  5. Damn I hate when people make threads, then post their clans WC ad in there, which is like, two lines long 
  6. Nice try. 
  7. Really, we should be encouraging wars. You dont need to make a thread using serpent's guide as its not a recruitment thread. Its asking for a war. Bumping the thread isnt a problem, as some people that want to war may not have seen the thread. As for posting wc, also a bad idea. Posts stay in forums for a long time, so players can and will see it. More so than if posted in wc.

    Negotiating the conditions later is better, posting them now can mean that no one will war with those conditions.

    Seems pretty null to me.
  8. Lets just war vegoman?
  9.  wow that is true......
  10. Reserved 
  11. What I meant by reading serpents thread is to just add some history about the clan, and if someone says please war us in the forums, then it gets annoying as it should go in wc, and bumping your own thread for three days running does say something. I was just trying to be helpful.
  12. To long and boring to read if u want a war wall me info and I'll find a equal clan to fight u
  13. DO proofread your post. Mistakes galore!
  14. What does history have anything to do with searching for a war though?

    It shouldnt really go in wc, as wc is not a good place to find a war. Forums, or walling/pm other clan owners is the best way. Forums is the best way to get a large viewing. As for bumping for 3 days straight, so what? If it encourages war in KaW, it shouldnt be a problem, and timing is a big issue. Not everyone seen it on the first go.
  15. Ok, I have learned from my mistakes, thanks for the constructive critisism, I will say again, I was trying to help, and I hope I helped someone
  16. I completely agree with miss behave on this one, there is no reason to criticize or be annoyed by people trying to find a war in a war game. Have fun and Happy Kawing!
  17. I've honestly have only seen threads been made like that 2-3 times.