Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Wulf, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Welcome to the New Age of KaW

    Today, the alliances previously known as WDGAF and Apocalypse would like to announce their unification. We all knew this day was coming and today it has arrived. Get your seatbelts ready, strap in, and enjoy the ride.... because WDGApoc is HERE!


  2. UPDATE: 匚ㄥ丹れ丹下丹爪工ㄥㄚ has officially joined ₩Ð₲Á̸P☣Ć̸

    It's a great day for KaW!!!
  3. April fools?
  4. Omgz, Wulf is back. WDGApoc ;)
  5. :shock: the horrors
  6. Best of 
  7. 
  8. Haven't seen wulf post in a while...
  9. Rest in pepperonis zaft
  10. It's nice to see a new thread by wulf
  11. That's why wdgaf provides so much help against apoc.

    Oh wait.....
  12. Great. Now everyone outside WDGApoc is gonna get farmed into oblivion

    This game is so over.

    First HTE. Now every rich kid living in mommys basement has united to destroy kaw

  13. Not avin it, happy april fools
  14. Brace yourselves for wdgapoclanafuryafi next year 
  15. Would be....
    We don't give apocalypse?

    That name is..... quite ....... terrifying ?
    Good try 
  16. Support!

  17. Support now ill be the sexiest player in Apoc and Wdgaf
  18. Support

    KotFE WDGApoc
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