This is as much a rant and observation as it is some kaw advice and a dumb kaw addicts dream of some change might occur. "Hire my allies" "All my allies must go" "Need to upgrade - buy my allies" Seems world chat is forever filled with comments like this mainly from new or inexperienced players with only a handful of allies. Its been like this forever i know. These allies are often over priced or inactive and if by some fluke they did get sold the player posting is then often already or will be below max plunder - DOH This post and thread is meant to inspire change and I'm giving up time and some insight freely in the vain hope that at least some small change may occur so if ya feeling in a trolling mood go troll somewhere else please that's me asking nicely. I rarely ask nicely. This thread might fail and nothing changes well then at least I can say I tried, can you guys reading with experience and knowledge to share say the same? So on to topic - the importance of ally trading. Ally trading is a massive part of kaw and a sure fire way to grow almost to the point a player can grow and earn more daily then whacking ebs. This thread isn't about the mystery and tips to trade as such as that's been covered far better by others but i will list a few suggestions at the end. I'm not saying I'm a great trader cos I'm not. There's many better in ZD, let alone ZAFT, let alone kaw who daily trade better then me. I'm just one player wanting to ignite some small trading revolution and shift of mentality by sharing some tips and pointing out its not just the fault of the new or newish player that wc is the way it is.. To Clan owners and admins Charity begins at home... Do you understand the basic concept of max plunder? Do you teach this simple basic concept to your members? Do you then try to teach your players you recruit so hard through wc these important aspects or just how to whack your ebs? Do you encourage trading advice and explain the easy gold that can be earned? If yes then I applaud you If not you are letting not only your self and your clan as a whole down but also failing your members. Your as much responsible for the state that is wc as those in your clan posting for hires. Move past teaching purely what items to drop on which ebs or which ebs drop with shiny item and teach and invest in your members. They will grow quicker making your clan stronger and who knows they may see the value and uniqueness in your clan and stay around rather then clan hopping and never learn. They may themselves be inspired to step up and help your clan and others around them. That's a massive benefit to any clan. Set up some kind of trading program - this is good advice regardless of your clan size. It's not your members problem it's your clan so it's down to you to change and help. As clan leaders its your role to teach. If you yourself don't know then learn and share with your members. Theres no shame in admitting you don't know an answer. So learn yourself. Members look to owners and admins for advice so be the best leader you can and teach. Corny yes I know but it's kinda a simple concept and you will benefit. To players asking for ally hires on wc or in cc Ask as much as you can about trading and max plunder. Invest in yourself and whatever time you spend playing you will see you grow far quicker then someone who never trades. So easy to make real gold alongside whacking ebs. I'm talking the kind of gold that will accelerate your growth regardless of your size or stage in game. This isn't a concept for other people or just lb, it's done at every level of the game by those willing to learn and benefit. Do you understand max plunder? Trading? Does the term BFA mean anything? Are you aware how much gold can be made simply by hiring active underpriced allies using kaw prime values? If yes? awesome please stop posting for hires in wc and concentrate your time on becoming a better trader and grow. If you've no idea about any or some of my questions then ask your owner, admins and clan owner or senior members and carry on reading this post - you actually might learn something. To the rest of kaw Learn and teach. Kaw is a fluid evolving game. We can all moan about wc and annoying noobs or we can try and teach and hopefully change. Devs can change silencing rules for wc but the issue remains. So do your bit if this post inspires you enough to. Use your ally chat to talk to your allies. If they grow quicker it makes you stronger, they sell quicker, you earn more gold - simple. Kaw in so many ways is an interconnected and symbiotic game. That's the way the devs made it. Far more then just a "war" game. Strong active allies make their owner stronger through BFA. You earn more when you participate in an eb due to more damage done. A stronger player makes a clan stronger. A stronger clan attracts more players as they glide up the leader board and can complete more harder ebs thus dropping more items thus meaning members of the clan don't item chase so much.. Again simple concept. Everyone grows and benefits. This isn't rocket science or me exposing the hidden secrets of kaw here just simply explaining how things are connected and you stand to benefit no matter the link in the chain you are. This also isn't just my take on it. Look at how the devs coded kaw and the concept of allies and see its all there, you just need to open your eyes and do your bit and you yourself will benefit. Everything in kaw is linked one way or another or has some benefit to another aspect. Look beyond ebs and moaning about how unfair land costs are or devs latest thing and see how one benefit flows into another. So there's my moan and observations done. Here's some tips I've learned along the way.. Allies talk in your ally chat to your owners - learn what you can. This is a lost art in kaw. Get to know your owner and your allies. Ask and answer questions. If your owner is experienced ask for help or tips. Find an ally trader willing to teach, these aren't just large leader board scary players. Good traders come in all shapes and sizes - some will gladly teach some wont. Learn how they trade. Everyone does trading slightly differently. Learn as much as you can and work out what works best for you. Don't just expect lb or ally traders to hire your overpriced inactive allies. Actually learn. Many traders use ally finders. Their role is to find stat and price specific allies for the trader to hire. The finders do the hard work but get a quick easy profit as the trader hires off them. Most traders trade so much per day they don't have time to find all their allies. Search forum for trading specific threads - especially Havocs ally price thread. Perhaps someone can post a link to it or any other good trading threads. If your trading no matter the value of the ally, shop in these fixed prices Understand max plunder, BFA and the impact it has on every time you click that repeat button when you whack an eb or another player. If you learn anything, share it with your clan mates and friends. if you are part of a large family or alliance try to work together to pool advice and trade within your family. If there's a really good trader among you then go to that player for tips. Share knowledge but trading isn't about what clan you sit in. It's a kaw thing so network and meet people who trade and want to help. Understand clearly underpriced and overpriced allies - get a feel for what stats are best at what price range. Most traders use a formula to calculate value. Shop two or more different price ranges. Ask what ranges are more active then others as they change a lot. If one range starts to dry up then find another and let the first range replenish. Don't risk hiring low stat allies just for sake of it. Inter trade between your main and your legal alt(s). This means finding an underpriced active ally and volley between your accounts with one keeping. Stop before over priced. Means your accounts involved in the volley all make some easy gold. Learn the basic concept of how to find an active ally. Look for activity more then just stats and price. Personally i hire off prime values vs stats. I check wall and ebs for activity, check who owns the ally and then hire or move on. Finally accept that trading is a gamble. Some active allies then go inactive. Some quit. Some change build. Also accept you will hire badly from time to time. It's part of learning so don't be afraid it's not some dark voodoo art. The sooner you try to understand trading the more you will grow. Well I'm done. My fingers are sore and I hope this makes some small positive impact and change to kaw and if only one player has learnt one thing then ok ill call that a victory for change. Forum mods - request this is made sticky for a few days so more see it pls and can contribute. If you wanna share your positive views, support or tips please do. Lets try and see if we can make some changes to wc and trading.. If you wanna troll then ill see ya soon Defiant ZAFT DESTINY
This is a great thread. You clearly put a lot of time and effort into this thread, and it's fairly well written. Obviously someone will say "OH LOOK ZAFT HE POSTED FORUM THAT'S AGAINST RULES" like a Noob, but this thread was worth reading. Glad you posted it. I do want to ask though. Does this have anything to do with the new achievement?
Very well thought out, nice post. One thing I will say, is that people dont want to get to know their owners anymore. Whether this is because people that are owned by LB for months and years at a time, who largely dont respond because they are either so busy or cooped up in their clan chats etc. dont speak to their allies, and then when they are hired by others who do actually use their ac, find themselves at a loss. Such as what will this new owner have to say to me that others wont? I used my ac for countless days, talking to my owner and sharing any knowledge I had with allies that I hired who were willing to ask and listen to what I had to say. I certainly do not know many things in this game, but the least I can ask is for them to just listen and make their minds up on their own. As for players in wc, that is something that I have seen to breed from those clans who are stuck running tfo, made by those who are new and less experienced, but want the power that comes with running a clan. There isnt the pressure in running these clans, as there are less members and very few of them are actually noticed. Fact. People want power over knowledge, and many dont understand that in knowledge comes power. That is the world we live in, and it exists in both the real world as well as the virtual. Onto asking ally traders for help. Many wont, but many also will. Players who do not care for helping, often discourage those who ask to ask anyone else. This is a shame, and needs to be changed. I particularly believe that if in doubt, you can always ask a moderator, or (now) one of those valiant knights. If things are so bad that you get rejected there also, there are third party app rooms that can also be used to find the information where you will not be shot down. My opinions aside, people just need to know who they can actually go to to learn these things. I dont know about many other people, but I have offered before, and will offer again, that if anyone wants to learn a bit about how I trade, then please do come and ask on my wall. I am no pro, but it has worked for me in the past and I want to share my knowledge so the kaw community can make its own mind up. Good day. For those interested, this is the price thread that Defiant speaks of: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=36751 Sometime last year I also wrote an Ally Trading Guide which may cover some questions that are raised, in the Strategy section, which if you wish to read, can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=106460 * EDIT: One point that I do wish to stress, which is especially rampant with the now increasingly annoying EE warriors "banning" ally hires, is that people should not be afraid to hire these allies. If the person shoots off at you, put him in your CA and play. The ally market is free, and ANY player that decides to shoot off at you for hiring is simply asking for a clean strip and 24 xstals worth of steals. Also a warning to those with these banners. Dont hire damn underpriced allies if youre in a war. You really are just ASKING to lose your gold. Overprice to keep, or take your lip elsewhere. ** EDIT: For those trading pros out there, please take a look at my guide and let me know if you have any additions to be made to it. I have been asking for some input for quite some time now, but unfortunately very few of those willing to share actually read forums/post. Hopefully the guide can meet your standards, and with some luck be useful in teaching some new players if you/others do not have the time to do so yourselves.
Lol no hidden agenda here. ZAFT rules say to reframe from posting not that you can't. I felt strongly enough to want to help I posted. If you can't see the genuine statement I'm trying to make for change then I'm sorry it's been lost along the way.
I've been saying this for awhile, this is a fantastic post bro. New players will probably have a hard time understanding it at first, but I'm sure it'll click. Players need allies. That's the point. I second your request on a temp sticky.
Hahaha all good mate. Just checking. Glad to see some genuine players still around after that. Hell, mango and slayer are two others who genuinely care. I emailed devs requesting sticky. Recommend others do also.
That'll be support from me teach your members the value of allies and how to trade, what to look for and everyone benefits
Just something to add: Inactive pro allies are a secondary trading method. They don't trade as quickly as the active ones on the list, but they do tend to have much better stats. The reason being that pro banner allies do not get deleted from the game like non-pro accounts do. The ally market below 100 billion is saturated by guild hansels that don't grow, so sometimes you can trade off an inactive pro with good stats more quickly than you can an active guild hansel that rarely upgrades. The whole EE guild Hansel craze has really damaged the market.
All underpriced and active allies basically belongs to those players who are rich and HUGE enough to hire them and "keep" them. If we can't change this trend then ally trading is simply not worth spending time on for the sake of pathetic bfa and profit tat it brgs. Leaving yr clan, put loyalty aside and attempt to join a gd ee war clan will be the easier route. A few gd wins and u will be laughing at players who spend months skillfully doing ally trading while skipping seemingly underpriced ones
Fantastic read, it's something that am really trying to get into and learn the mechanics of, this has went a long way in helping me with that, much thanks and support.
Very nice thread, and an excellent observation, however expecting wc to change ... Well ... It won't happen, unfortunately. I'de really like to be wrong in this case!