The best way to get drops is doing the right eb. I find myself always doing the wrong damn eb. Here are some tips to help YOU. 1) Read this guide. 2) Follow step 1. 3) Don't Read step 4. 4) I told you don't read step 4. 5) Do the right Eb. 6) Spin 5 times. 7) Turn off your iDevice. 8) Repeat Step 7 five times. 9) Leave your clan. 10) Rejoin your clan. 11) Post on your wall 'Trollollollollol' This should help you get the item you were looking for. Congrats, if you read this, it is probably cuz you thought I was legit. But no, you were trolled. Especially if you tried it.
dammit, gorilla. now everyone knows. anyway. yeah this method is legit. i used to to get the secret drop from warbeasts.