Wave of Conflict in Kingdom Banner Request

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIIIIISllllRIIIIIIII, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Devs- please update Kingdom Banners to show when Wave of Conflict has been cast. Right now the blue Glow stands for Edge Mith and Wave. Admins and owners need a easy way to count to reach numbers

    A suggestion would be a red WAR banner across the bottom

  2. Sign up and then withdraw
  3. Devs won't listen
  4. Sign up and withdraw isn't as good an option as visually seeing it. Would save Tons of time managing .........

  5. Orrr just do what bobert said. Saves time n technically you can visually see that list of people.
  6. Support great idea
  7. Sign you and withdraw. It takes 5 seconds you lazy ****.
  8. Support. This will make it easier to count other clan's rosters as well. Not just making the war organizer's job easier, but the clan's job easier.
  9. WHY would you wanna count someone else's roster??? Unless you're warring them in which you get a notification telling you how many participants they have.
  10. W3 you don't count you figure out who is warring
  11. You would wanna count a roster before locked rosters and match up so you can match a clan's strength and numbers and or avoid a clan.
  12. Support.... It's the most logical thing to do