
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WannaBeExpert, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. I like going to war its fun ur always broke but its fun to see everyone work together to gain a common goal. I recently sigbed up for all star war to try it out and didnt make the cut. So i wanted to ask if there were any wars the system has for people with smaller cs?
  2. Find a small clan that does small stat wars 
  3. Thats just it i want a system war of mid ranged people not clan war
  4. crap just realized this wrong forum for this thread sorry guys
  5. You do know "system wars" is clan wars right? I think you mean event/tournament wars. Like the ASW?
  6. correct sorry if i confused u
  7. Hey ! we all like to go to the toilet too, and don't always make it !
  8. @Wannabe

    there are currently not tourements but only small wars
  9. Osw is fun when you have a friend strip you and you bank in attack pots and go pure spy...trust me 
  10. Woulldnt anyone else want mid range tournments for gear and achievements? Seems only faor that everyone gets a chance
  11. True. The Devs are working on it, don't worry. We middle class/junior class players will get our chance for a special event.
  12. I'm pretty sure I have always made it just fine..
  13. Lets hope we get a chance at new gear also, not as strong as asw but something better then whats out there. Maybe they will put a cs limit on them also