Wars OR ebs?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *UnknownName (02), Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Okay. Everyday, on the forums, i hear, "Oh my godd, We have to war to get the new equip now!"

    Well I have one thing to say: Shut up. And WAR. This game is suppose to be about wars!
    If you don't like war. I suggest you stop playing this game right now. This second. If all you care about are EB's then go ahead, do them, but dont complain when people hit you ONLY 2 times. DEAL WITH IT. It's only 2 damn hits.

    Like you said, "Oh my godd, we have to war to get the new equip now," I would have said the same thing before.. "Oh my godd, we have to do these stupid, boring, useless, EBs."

    But who cares. I did few to get equip. Anyways, If u dont like warring. THEN DONT. Its not like you need the new equip for anything anyways. Eb's can easily be hit with troops, (Without pots.)

    Sorry, its short. I know. But just trying to get this small point across to all these EB noobs ONLY.

    People who do war and ebs. I'm okay with :)

    ~~Happy KaWing all.

    ~~Wine on this post, and I'll visit your news ;)~~

    If you actually do look at my profile. Dont be like, HA. you're the one doing EB's only.
    Cause I'm not. I did one before. And will do more later on. Just need to fix my build up a little bit.
  2. But if I war ppl might attack me 
  3. And I have to spend money on pots
  4. "I would have said"* not "I would of said".
  5. I war every weekend for pleasure and mith. I EB during the week for gold and upgrades. Best of both worlds ;p
  6. ^Dtw. Sorry wake ;)
  7. Lol stark  nice to see you off that third party app :p
  8. I'm always lurking around
  9. I can tell  gotta watch myself
  10. You do 
  11. Support. Endless ebs are nicely broken up by weekly estoc. The more I war, the less interesting smacking apheriun's bony little behind becomes. Good job making the game more fun devs. Love this ****. Happy KaWing everyone.
  12. Would be nice to see more weekday estoc matchups available tho. I work most weekends.
  13. ^and GMT friendly... 2am.... Really? Really? :D
  14. Sorry to hear that, but most likely. Devs wont cause they know most people have those days off.
    But it would be nice to see few wars in Weekdays also. Will clear up the WC.

    But i find it sad that some clans still post on WC saying, "JOIN SOANDSO __M CS+ To join! Join for The War!"
  15. Great post. I remember when there was only wars in this game and no ebs. I have to say it wasnt as fun as it is now. Im not saying im an eb noob or anything so dont say i am but the ebs give a good place to restock pots and upgrade when not doing a war. Wars are the true fun of this game but ebs are a great thing to have in the game.
  16. Both are good use end to get money then you buy pots then war :)
  17. equpment