wars for stats with no towers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by shaking_stevens, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Now before all you crazy war builds out there shoot me down just give me a sec.

    I work close to 70 hours a week and I go out and get drunk pretty much whenever I have time off so a war build would be a waste for me but would like to when I have time but know that I'd get ko'd more then rocky vs drago but what about wars for stats without towers. So as not to upset all those Great War builds out there make it we only get half as much mith or a quarter as much and then maybe both clans can do VP. Not sure

    Cos at the moment I'm thinking of a starting a clan to war with, no member cast any mith spells, cop 2 hours of complete carnage and then just do VP afterwards.

    Let the ridicule begin, I'm expecting a little
  2. Eh, at least you admit you don't care about winning. Nothing wrong with that i guess.

  3. Mmm if you dont care about winning is not a bad idea i guess, or you could just merc with noob clans desperate to fill a roster 30 min before war jeje
  4. 70 hours a week? In my country 40 is max lol.
    If you want a good n cheap war build become gh. No towers (needed). but I suggest having high bfe first
  5. the thing is. it wasnt towers. it was system wars and towers were a way to adapt.
  6. War with no towers ? Hmmm....

    You have a nice eb build, stick to ebs. If you wanna war then your gonna have to sacrifice some of that precious plunder and whack up some towers, that's pretty much how it goes. War builds may have upper hand in a war, obviously, but it comes at a cost. Can't have it both ways.

    Just my opinion.
  7. ... Your admitting that you would be exploiting the game. Devs will watch your clan and make it so you cant to TVP.
  8. hawks, where do you live? I know not America lol

    40hrs is regular time, all time after is over time, and most jobs are going to 60-70 hrs a week so to only run 2 12 and a half hour shifts.
  9. I'm from aus with 2 jobs, payday is when u work weekends or public holidays, or overtime.

    Thanks for feedback, I meant wars that only peeps with no towers could join, hey a guy can dream!

    I love my build, if at work, phone out of pocket under the table and hit away without anyone knowing except that I have been missing the repeat button for last 2 minutes

    Decisions will have to be made for ASW tho, wouldn't mind having a crack there. 1 mil static spy be enough?
  10. What country only allows you to work 40 hours a week? What about government employees? Private companies etc..
  11. You are pretty big, so there's not much sense in converting to gh. For your size, i would recommend 2m static spy def if you want a war build. Otherwise maybe 1.5m but 1m isnt very effective against hansels your rank
  12. And maybe keep your time zone secret as well. Lol
  13. I don't get it, you can still war, but anyone can scout you down and then assass your troops to pin once you're at zero spies. This will happen whether everyone has towers or no one has towers. So what would difference be? Also no, 1 mil in towers is not enough for any war let alone ASW.
  14. Spy defence towers are static.. You can kill spies but sdt stats are add to base stats. 2mill in towers requires a lot of spies and possibly spy att pots to get through. You can have zero spies but still have a solid defence
  15. you try exploid system - this should be fixed to new Vanish Palanin mith drop rate. Ppl should get 75-100% mith casted in war. So 0 mith in war = 0 in vanish palanin = that's fair
  16. Wow only a thousand losses for op,those stats that size and never osw or 1v1.Just hitting eb and nobbing stats is only playing like less than half of this game
  17. @kab you said it best. Those that run war builds sacrifice a lot of plunder and growth for themselves. You can't reign supreme in EB pay outs as well as war. Pick one and stick to it.