Wars: Earning Respect and Enjoying the game.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by B01, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Now after reading Omega's Kingdoms Of LSA thread and the comments posted I had a fun little idea.

    (Hopefully) everyone in this game plays for fun. I know a few play for other means and fair do's - As long as it keeps you jolly as Santa after Christmas - HOWEVER this game has a spiteful undertone.

    Taking an example, the LSA vs OG war;
    - (Apparently, not confirmed) 7 OG clans (Consisting roughly 70%+ for each clan)
    - 13 LSA Players in 1 clan
    (Please note; these are just quick number's I've pulled off from looking and lurking - Nothing I say is set in stone)

    Now respect, in my opinion, is something valuable and important. Take a life time to learn and 5 minutes to ruin.

    Why don't oG pick 13 warriors, of similar stats, to fight LSA... From an observer, like myself, this would show;

    - oG can war without outnumbering 7-1 (clan-wise - playerwise much higher).
    - oG have respect for the 13 single warriors who are taking on a whole alliance.
    - LSA get to pound on a few targets without being jumped on by a whole clan.

    oG - I know you have all those members for a reason and I know you're just going to say "why just use 13 members instead of 500" (or however many you have).
    The answer is Respect. Respect to your enemy, respect to us watching this war and respect to yourselves by showing what you are capable of without having vast numbers to support.

    Just a little idea - Comments welcome. Would love LSA, oG and other 'war' clan leaders / war generals to post their comments.
  2. Well B you have a bit of a point
  3. Haha i thought so... Just seems, in my opinion, people would greatly respect those who dial down their numbers/potential to even the scores and have a fair game.
  4. Sounds like a good idea 
  5. This is pretty good but og are stuck up some times but this is a good idea.
  6. Your probably right B. I personally like taking on the whole armada.
  7. I'd love to see a 13v13 OG VS LSA ... See who surrenders first, see who has runners and see who calls in help... Would be more factual to us observers than a big war.
  8. Og wouldn't do it. Trust me.
  9. Respect most of the big alliances don't have it they demand respect but rarely give it
  10. I enjoy war banter, and my I'm pretty solid in terms of trash talk.
    That being said, I only go as far as THE GAME.

    I see people all over KaW on every war thread taking real life - personal attacks at others. Viciously crude comments that have nothing to do with the tappity tappity that is Kingdoms at War. It saddens me to see that people have stooped so low. I understand that people put a lot of effort into their builds, gathering up pots, allies, equipment whatever. But as soon as its at risk (Warring on a war game) its like they are babboons being let out of a cage while 'roid raging.

    You can clearly see those who play this game to war and enjoy it, and those that are pressured into a war they dont want to fight, and therefore are sour.

    All I have to say is I wish people would play KaW as a game. Like it was intended.

    Keep it classy KaW,



  12. Because you've attached your thought to a potential war thread I'm not involved in I cant comment.

    I do think too much emotion is displayed over this respect thing you guys are focused on. I think its the couch potato sports thing, or it's a guy thing. If it was a board game and we were sitting around having beers would it still be an issue? It's like phone mail allows you to be gruff.

    Respect out to everyone enjoying themselveslol
  13. I think you just hit the nail on the head! This game needs to be more happy and fun (, Fun as in OMG LOLOLOLOLOL I just got farmed, gotta hit ya back now ;) Better runnnn)... However I think Monopoly would be excluded... That game causes divorces.
  14. I really think u should stop this thread. Its just not necessary. And why should oG show respect to someone that called them out?!
  15. It is a simple question and a matter of honourably playing a game we all love. I'll stop the thread if it dies :p lol
  16. How about no if they cant take the heat tough all i see is they post in forums way too much and tbh its like they don't wonna war.
  17. I would like that at the start of war when LSA not potless and has allies. But right now when they don't have allies and most are PS builds would not be worth it in my IMO. So I understand completely if oG just think it will be a waste of time and prefer to just keeping em pin till they go inactive.